
  • {{item.ActualPrice== 0? 'Free': (item.Symbol)+(item.ActualPrice|number:2)}} {{item.Price== 0? 'Free': (item.Symbol)+(item.Price|number:2)}}

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How does this work? Step 1: Consultation: are we a good fit to do business together? In the Consultation, we meet to discuss you, your business and if you are committed to trusting the growth process. Step 2: Purchase - During this step you will purchase Consultation if you have not alredy done so. After your purchase of the consultation, you will then purchase the service recommended in the Consultation. If you have not purchased a consultation, purchase a consultation before you purchase our services. You will be provided a link to schedule a meeting to discuss all the details needed to begin your project. Step 3: Schedule Post purchase follow-ups - Each project will require some form of research. Services that require "Revisions" or follow-ups are to update you on progress and to clearly define research objectives. "How does this information help us reach our goals?" That is the question we must ask ourselves before starting any research project. The information learned from the research is used to create our marketing messages and measure the effectiveness of our efforts. It is important to have relevant and useful information. " We will meet 1 hour every week for 4 -6 weeks duringthis process. Step 4: Project Delivery - We deliver your project! Here we will discuss our strategies and prepare you for the journey ahead. When the plans end the work begins. You will be provided a link to schedule the 1 month and Quarterly marketing plan review. Step 5: Review - Are we achieving our goals? How effective are we? Can we improve? All of this information is discussed in the 1 month and quarterly Marketing plan review. Are you ready to commit to trusting the growth process? Schedule a consultation today! To get started: Send us a message via email abibisol13@gmail.com answering the following questions. Do you have a business plan? Tell us about your business. Also list any websites and/or social media handles across all platforms associated with your business. Where did you start from? How has the business grown? What are some of the challenges you are facing? What is at risk if you do not create the appropriate solutions to your businesses challenges? What is your marketing strategy? Are you committed to trusting the growth process? Also include: *Project description *Specific instructions *Relevant files *Your budget
